Most businesses need to understand the most important rule of business… be a better marketer of what you do than doer of what you do. That means every business needs an endless supply of new prospects coming through the door every day and yet, because most people believe they are poor marketers, they haven’t spent any time getting really working out how to get this to happen.

What you should therefore focus on in your business is creating a little black box that generates an endless supply of prospects itching to buy. It may be a great advertisement, rapturous word of mouth endorsement, a sensational promotion or combination of these that does the trick so find out what works and then keep on doing it.

This week’s challenge is to go back through your recent strategies and see what has worked the best at generating new clients, customers or patients. If you haven’t been keeping track of this, then your challenge this week is to start!

Invest $40 and turn your business into a money machine!

Discover the 3 black boxes to get your business really firing!
Get them working for you and start making the money to prematurely retire to the beaches of the world while you are still young and fit enough to enjoy it.