So, we have a new party running the federal Government and I guess that most people will be looking to them for action in various areas.

And, if they want to hold onto the popularity that swept them into government, they need to start making things happen. The temptation for them will be for them to announce the big things they want to fix.

Big things take lots of time to fix, little things take lots less time.

So, I’m suggesting that they emulate the Lord High Executioner in the Gilbert & Sullivan opera The Mikado and have themselves “a little list so that nothing shall be missed!”

Now, I don’t profess to be any sort of adviser to governments, but to me this would mean not making the grandiose claim of “We are going to fix the economy. Rather they would say “We are going to take these ten (small) steps toward fixing the economy”.

They could list the steps they plan to take and we could watch their progress.

If you want to do more, be more and achieve more you must read this book today!

Meaningful specifics not meaningless generalities make progress measurable.

Of course I’m not expecting the new government to take any notice of me! But I am suggesting that, if you have a project to complete, you break it down to small steps and get yourself a little list.

That way nothing shall be missed! And success will be much more attainable.