This story is most probably apocryphal and I do not repeat it (from sources unknown) to denigrate lawyers but rather because I admire creative thinking where valid facts are used to achieve the desired end. Is what the lawyer did wrong?
A lawyer with a wife and 12 children needed to move as his rental agreement which was coming to an end on the home where he lived. He was having a very difficult time in finding a new place to rent. When he said he had 12 children, no one would rent a home to him because they knew that his 12 children would destroy the home.

He could not say that he had no children, because that would be a lie, after all, everybody knows that lawyers cannot and would not purposely lie.
He had an idea… he sent his wife for a walk to the cemetery with 11 of his 12 children.
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He took the remaining one with him to look at several homes with the real estate agent.
Finally, he found a home he really liked and the agent got the necessary paperwork out and asked: “How many children do you have?”
He answered, “12 children, but only one is with me now.”
The agent asked “Where are the others?”
The lawyer answered, with a very sad look on his face, “They are in the cemetery with their Mother.” And, that’s how was able to rent a home for his family without lying.
MORAL: It is not necessary to lie! One only has to be creative and choose the right words. Please remember this: Lawyers don’t lie! They are creative! And, don’t forget this very important fact most politicians are lawyers!
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