Like many people we are a two car family and, as there’s only my wife and me, we’re very independent and we can each travel where we like when we like.
But, with my wife currently recovering from a shoulder operation and banned from driving for six weeks or so, we’ve become a one-car family in reality. That meant the other day I had to find a way to get my car in for servicing without relying on her to pick me up when I drop it off and vice versa when I picked it up.
Well, I guess I could afford to pay for a taxi but with a bus service that goes past our door I decided I’d “bus it.”
And that’s a really worthwhile event to undertake because it makes you appreciate how fortunate you are when so many other people have to bus or train every day of their life to work, to school, to shop or to be entertained.

It was amazing to see the cross-section of every day Australians who got on and off that bus as they went about their daily activities. I couldn’t help thinking how fortunate I am in having the car to go when I like where I like.
As I said the other day when I was talking about the thinking that could be done at an airport, I reckon it really brings you down to earth when you hop on a bus and just look at what happens and to whom it is happening.
On many occasions I’ve quoted the definition of empathy from the indigenous Americans “You cannot know a person until you have walked three moons in their moccasins.“
Maybe it’s time you hopped on a bus in somebody else’s moccasins! It might help you understand your clients, customers and patients a little better.
It sure did me a hell of a lot of good.
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