Maybe it’s me imagining it or it’s due to my advancing age and declining memory or it’s because of staff shortages but something has changed at McDonald’s.

I reckon that they have really gone downhill since the amazing Ray Kroc systematised this worldwide restaurant chain.

Pictured is what you first saw when you walked in from the car park, mid-afternoon, to an older type Maccas at a busy highway location.

It obviously had been like that for quite some time and it was still like that when we left half an hour later.

Hardly a fantastic first impression!

As I recall it was Kroc who came up with the mantra QSCV… quality, service, cleanliness, value. Something which we knew could be expected at every Maccas. We stopped at Maccas because we knew that QSCV would rule!

A shame, a damn shame!

Particularly when I recall that Kroc himself would always pick up rubbish if he saw it. He lived the mantra… and loved it!