The other Sunday I was taking the dogs for a nice long walk and, as is my custom, I chose to drive to a very special place they (the dogs) love. Lots of off lead areas, plenty of space, great paths to walk and a big dog friendly lake to swim in.

Heaven for the dogs as I unleashed them and let them enjoy themselves. Great for me as I let my brain click into free wheel mode… often from whence the best ideas come.

But, before we started out on our journey, we were arrested by the nonstop crowing of a rooster, the Pavarotti of roosters in fact. He was behind a tall wire fence in the bush and obviously mighty pleased with himself.

We were pretty impressed… at least until we found out the real story of the rooster upon our return.

You see, whilst the rooster believed he was in his paradise, he was actually in his killing ground.

It turns out that he had been dumped in the spot by a mean, unscrupulous, rotten person who raised a few chickens for their eggs but didn’t want roosters because of their uselessness in that activity.

To get rid of unwanted roosters some terrible people just dump them over the fence at that place knowing that the resident fox will get them… and they always do!

Unfortunately, the rooster was advertising his availability as the fox’s next meal.

It was not a time to advertise!

And there’s a lesson in that for us all… sometimes it’s not a time to advertise!

For instance if your target market is not in a mood to pay attention (footy grand finals time, for example), money is tight, a competitor is spending big money you can’t match or lots of other reasons.

So, advertise when the time is right… and ripe.

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