Recently I posted about how standards seem to have slipped at good old Maccas. Perhaps the reason I felt even more let down on that occasion was because I know how slick the McDonald’s empire has been in the past. Here’s a story from over 10 years ago, showing their ingenuity.
Whether you like the McDonalds food or culture, you’ve gotta admit that they are no slouches at marketing… they can turn opposition into opportunity just about any time.
F’rinstance, just the other day I was amongst a hoard of tourists who invaded a quaint (aren’t they all!) little town to see what it had to offer. Following our well practised and rehearsed guide we came upon a little lane where he pointed out that no signs or advertising of any kind was permitted by the local council. The only sign that the council, who were concerned about maintaining the visual aesthetics, would permit was a wrought iron one hanging out from above the premises similar to the ones that every other shop displayed.
“No golden arches for this town” no doubt the good burghers proudly thought and McDonalds obviously meekly complied.
They hung their wrought sign outside their premise just as every other shopkeeper in that town does.
And it’s been worth a motzza to them, been better than any normal Macca’s sign.
You see every time a guide comes through with a party of tourists (and lots come regularly) they stop and say something along the lines of “Here is the only place in the world where McDonalds have not been able to get their normal advertising signs,” and they go on and point out the McDonalds compliant wrought iron sign. “See it, it’s up there,” they say and point it out with great care… and every tourist cranes their necks to see it and take photos of it too.
And every person that enters that town has just had someone point out where they are! You can bet your life that a big percentage of the crowd will gravitate back there to get a taste of the Macca’s cuisine.
How’s that for great marketing? You gotta hand it to them doncha? Turns possible tragedy into triumph doesn’t it?

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