My mate Billy has a veritable green thumb when it comes to growing beautiful dahlias.

Although they were somewhat late in flowering this year, he has been inundated by blooms of all varieties, shapes, sizes and colours. So much so, that he has more blooms than his wife and friends can use in their limited supply of vases and space to display them.

So what did he do?

He decided to brighten up other people’s lives by placing a bucket of blooms on his front gatepost with a notice saying “Please take some (leave the bucket!)” and in the space of an hour or so they were gone… taken by happy passers-by.

He was thrilled that people wanted them, it made him really smile… and I bet the recipients were smiling too. After all, it’s not often you get free flowers!

Maybe you can find a way to get your gatepost to work some magic!

P.S. My crop of dahlias, nowhere near as good as Bill’s, still made me smile coz I’m taking after my old man… he was a dahlia growing genius!