I love receiving Alan Stevens’ weekly newsletter and over time have posted some of his articles I reckon will be of assistance to my readers. This thoughtful article is one of his Social Media Tips of the week:

“It’s as easy as anything to get on to social media, type your thoughts and post the message. It takes a matter of seconds.

But hold on a moment (and I mean that literally). Did you really mean to post what you wrote? Or were you just typing something out of frustration or annoyance that could be gone in a few minutes?

Yes, you can edit a post, or even delete it. But it’s possible that even in the time you take to reconsider, someone may have taken a screenshot of your comment. It’s now become permanent, and as some people have found to their cost, potentially very damaging.

So here’s a little mantra to help you avoid posting in haste. Write, Think, Edit, Think, Post.

  • Write – simply put down what’s in your head, without trying to filter it
  • Think whether it is what you want to post
  • Edit – spelling, grammar, use of words, any personal comments about opponents etc.
  • Think about your edited post – do you want to revise it again, or delete it?
  • Post – only when you are totally happy with it, commit it to posterity

That process could save you an awful lot of bother in the future.


This information was written by Alan Stevens, and originally appeared in “The MediaCoach”, his free weekly ezine, available at www.mediacoach.co.uk