Like you, I’m pretty busy day in, day out and with the Ipad, Iphone, notebook and all the rest of the stuff we carry around with us everyday it’s pretty hard to “get away from it all” and just relax.
That’s why I enjoy being up the country away from it all where getting connection for all the devices is pretty difficult, particularly if you don’t try too hard or even, heaven forbid, leave them switched off while you snooze after lunch and a glass or two of a cool beverage.
But, you know what? Without all those messages demanding my attention, there’s been a big hole left in my brain and lots of great thoughts and ideas have swirled into the void giving me a different perspective on life and business.
I’m sure that some of those thoughts and ideas will bear fruit in in the future. A harvest I would never have reaped had I not taken some time to have a brain break.
Brain breaks… think about having them regularly!
Food for thought?

Practical advice and solutions expressed clearly and concisely.
Pick Winno's brain.
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