As you may have found out… the rumours are indeed true! I am slowly sinking into senility.

And, no matter how hard I try, the ravages of age are slowly enveloping me.

And, in my case, I have sorely discovered that my sense of balance is either on its way out or gone altogether.

The net result?


I keep falling on my face!

And, bugger me, I want my balance back.

So that’s my goal.

And I’m gunna do it using the ant ? eating an elephant approach… bite by bite.

So my first goal is a little one. One I used to do without thinking.

Putting my pants on, one leg at a time, simply standing on the other leg and not leaning on anything.

It used to be so easy… I could do it with my eyes closed.

Now I can’t… yet!

But I can do it on one leg but not on the other.

I’m halfway there!

Pretty soon I’ll be all the way there.

Little steps toward big goals!

Believe me, they work.

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