Around seven years ago I wrote an article about the fine and ancient art of “stickability”. It was one of my mother’s wonderful oldish words coming from her English upbringing.

I explained that my beautiful and much loved pink and purple eared and tailed Millie, seen here mothering Polly, was getting on and suffering from vertigo so she was often dizzy and frequently toppled over.

Every time she fell down, she got up again. Never did I see her just lie there, say she was sick of it and not get up.

My old mum called this attribute of getting up every time “stickability” which my thesaurus tells me means a person’s ability to persevere with something or staying power and it’s a characteristic I love to see in people.

Stickability, what a lovely word!

If you want to do more, be more and achieve more you must read this book today!

However, the other day, when somebody was talking a whole lot of hogwash, which we would normally call bulls**t, I remembered another one of her wonderful words… bunkum. Try rolling that around your mouth a few times.

Bunkum! Isn’t that just beautiful?

The definition is insincere talk, claptrap or humbug. It’s a particularly expressionate word when you’re listening to a politician, hearing from a kid that the dog ate their homework… or a competitor talking about the marvels of their product!

P.S. Sadly Millie passed away not long after that photo was taken (I miss her terribly) and Polly now mothers her successor, Kahlee.