As a lover of books and a regular reader, I was amazed by an article in The Spectator of 10 June 23 written by Emily Rhodes under the subhead of the rise of fake libraries.

There is a growing fashion for fake books. Not fake as in written by a series of AI prompts, but fakes as in things… cleverly painted empty boxes, or facades of spines glued to a wall…designed to mislead the casual onlooker into thinking that they are books.

As the author so piquantly puts it “If we arrange our shelves by colour gradient, we might easily look to buy a blue book rather than a great novel.“

Now I must confess that I have Borrow Box, an app from my local library, installed on my phone so that I can listen to audiobooks in my car. But better still than that I love to hold a book in my hands, feel the paper, turn the pages and read it.

There’s no better experience!

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