There was an Italian fellow, Senor Vilfredo Pareto, an economist who was around at the end of the nineteenth century and one day he noticed that 20% of the pea pods in his vegetable garden yielded 80% of the peas; then he discovered that around 20% of his countrymen had 80% of the wealth. Investigating further he formulated the well known Pareto Principle or the “eighty-twenty rule” as you may better know it…

80% of your results come from 20% of your effort.

Now this is what is known as a natural law because it applies universally… for example, 20% of car drivers will have 80% of the smashes, 20% of people have 80% of the illnesses and so on.

But think about this!

Work less, charge more and have your customers loving it!
Marketing Magic

If 80% of your current results are coming from 20% of the effort you are putting in, what would happen if you put 100% of your efforts into those things that produce your results?

If you remember your basic algebra, if you multiply one side of an equation by 5, you multiply the other side by 5 too. So when you increase your effort 5 times you increase your results 5 times. Just doing the math shows that you can…

Increase your results by an incredible 400%!

That’s what leverage is all about— applying just a little effort to get extra big results.

Now apply that thinking to—

  • The way you use your time because right now around 20% of the time you spend is giving you 80% of your results— you’ve got the potential to increase your results by 400% just by working out what is working for you and doing more of it!
  • The way you look after clients because right now around 20% of the clients give you 80% of your results— you’ve got the potential to increase your results by 400% just by working out which clients are important and devoting more energy to them… and finding more like them!
  • The products or services you sell because right now around 20% of your products or services are giving you 80% of your results— you’ve got the potential to increase your results by 400% just by working out what your best sellers are and asking yourself how you can sell even more of them!

So here’s my recommendation— look at the things in your business and your life that are giving you the results… and do more of them! That way you’ll leverage your efforts and thus retire to those beaches of the world prematurely… it’ll ensure that you don’t run out of life before you run out of dreams.