One of the first rules of promoting food is to make the picture of it look even better on the packet, in the adverts or on the flyers than it does in reality. Even more so when you have a picture of it in store or on the window of your premises.
In fact, most food purveyors call in a food stylist who uses all sort of cunning tricks to ensure the food is so over the top appealing that we can almost taste it or at least our gastric juices start flowing at the mere sight of it.
In real life we’d probably be better off throwing the food away and eating the picture!
Here’s a picture on the window of a pizza store I happen to often pass and, regrettably, it doesn’t pass the “Geez I could hop into that delicious looking pizza” test.

Apart from the poorly descriptive names (who wants a “pumpkin pizza?) it’s the lack of a brilliantly coloured, vibrant arrangement of the food that gets me. It’s not really stomach sense arresting is it?
I’m sure with a little thought, a great name and a brilliant photo the pizza proprietor could lure some customers through the door! (But never me for a pumpkin pizza!)
Remember, make your products look great!
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