Perhaps age is impacting my cognitive or dexterous skills but I swear the challenge I’m about to raise with you has been around and a challenge for me, at least, for many years!
It is the challenge of opening cardboard packets and the like… the ones that lots of dry foodstuffs, like dry biscuits, are packed in.
You know the type of package… at one end, it cautions “Open other end” and, at the other end, the simple instructions “Lift to open.”
Mark my words, that is an illusionary instruction because there is no darn way the package ever opens the way it should… cleanly and neatly as my dramatic before and after photos reveal.

After many years of ineffectual package opening, which causes the contents to rapidly go stale, I have found a foolproof solution.
Ask my wife to do it!
She looks at me as if I’m a simpleton but always performs the opening perfectly.
You could use a knife Winno – if you trust yourself not to inflict harm!