Another commercial

This one must have cost a motza to produce… the production standards are sensational. I’m just wondering whether it would make you change your underwear to that brand? We are all notorious for being very loyal to our long time underwear choices and generally...

What’s your take on Halloween?

“When I was a kid”, he says old and grumpily “We didn’t have these American festivities. But we did have Guy Fawkes, now there was great night to celebrate on the fifth of November… fireworks, bonfires and a lot of fun.” Oops that’s me talking and sometimes I...

Learn from experience

It’s very important that you learn something from all your experiences. In his short autobiography renowned American speaker Dr Herb True sums up learning from experience. Chapter 1 – I walk down a street, there’s a huge hole in the sidewalk. I fall in; it’s not my...

Carrot always beats stick!

Recently I was up in Nhulunbuy in the Northern Territory staying with my daughter, son-in-law and young family. It’s a great community and has a population of around 4,000 many of whom are Yolngu Aboriginal people. Now, as you can imagine, because of the other natural...