Sensitivity required?

Sensitivity required?

I recently learnt that a friend of yesteryear, from another state, had passed away and I would like to have logged into the livestream of the funeral to show my respect. I had no contact with the family but, after a prodigious amount of searching, I managed to find...


When I’m setting goals I’ve always found that it’s important that I write them down because it sets them in concrete. Otherwise I can change my goals as easily as changing my mind. And of course once on paper you can share them with your team, so they can toe the...
Work on the Welcome

Work on the Welcome

The most important thing prospects want when they deal with you is to be made to feel welcome. Getting that right shouldn’t be left to luck or individual intelligence. You have to create a script of what the team say and do when a client walks in the door. Write down...
Why Bother?

Why Bother?

Why bother writing notices coz nobody ever reads them or acts upon them. Proof of the pudding is a sign announcing “Wet Paint” because people look at the sign then invariably touch the paint to check. As a dog owner I scrupulously pick up after my dogs no matter where...
Why ask?

Why ask?

I’ve just been in hospital for a minor procedure necessitating an overnight stay. Apart from always asking for my full name, the plethora of forms I completed always demanded that I give my preferred name as well. Now this is a boon for me because I am known by my...