Brain Breaks

Brain Breaks

Like you, I’m pretty busy day in, day out and with the Ipad, Iphone, notebook and all the rest of the stuff we carry around with us everyday it’s pretty hard to “get away from it all” and just relax. That’s why I enjoy being up the...
Handling the “That’s expensive” response

Handling the “That’s expensive” response

You know how it happens… they ask, “How much?” And you give them a straight answer, “Well, its four hundred and sixty eight dollars.” They shudder and say, “That’s expensive.” Here’s what you do and say: Pause, give them *‘the lemon look’ and say very clearly and...
How do you listen?

How do you listen?

People enjoy being in the company of those who are great listeners and yet very few people practice effective listening. As a general rule, because we have four observation devices… two ears and two eyes… compared with one delivering device… a mouth… we should listen...
The Halitosis Trap

The Halitosis Trap

I was meeting a guy over coffee the other day and, when I sat down to chat with him, I had to speedily increase the distance between us rapidly. Why? Halitosis! (It used to be called “bad breath” but the marketers *invented a nicer name for it!) Whatever it’s called...
You left it out!

You left it out!

Let’s imagine you’ve done a powerful sales piece… by way of a point of sale poster, flier, advertisement, AdWords, email or whatever and you start to get lots of enquiries making you very happy. All of the enquirers are obviously interested in what you’re offering but...
Tips on Testimonials!

Tips on Testimonials!

If you are selling to the more mature market, testimonials are extremely powerful because they add a real overlay of credibility to any genuine claims you may be making. There are three types of testimonials that are particularly effective for these over fifties: Peer...