When is a picture not worth a thousand words?

Without wishing to be unkind to these venerable gentlemen I reckon that the picture in this advertisement doesn’t replace a thousand or less good words. In fact, I think the picture works against the advert generating business for them. As I’ve said, I don’t want to...

Make them say “Wow!”

A mantra of mine has always been that one of the three ways you can generate referrals is to make people say “Wow!” when they do business with you. It’s my belief that when you ‘wow’ them they’ll talk about you positively to their friends and colleagues. There’s...

Just a pause to brag!

Pardon me for taking just a moment to brag and, in a rare insight into my private life, can I just tell you that my ninth grandchild (and fifth grandson) arrived at 2-02 p.m. Monday. His name is Brennan Arley and he weighed in at 4.51kgs (that’s 9lb15 oz for you...

Crikey, I’m momentarily slightly famous!

A great mate of mine, Wayne Berry of Top Gun sales fame, found fit to quote me in an edition of his regular video sales tips. He was discussing a recent article of mine about doing what you promise to do and his message as a result is worth having a look at. You can...

What colours work?

If you can’t be seen you can’t be found, so your signage is critically important. I’m often asked – what colours work best for signage? My answer is “Wherever possible the best approach is dark words on a light background.”  Then if there’s no requirement to...