Too clever by half

Someone quite famous said “You’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of your market” and, even though I’m not famous, I’ve repeated that more times than I care to count. And why is that? Well it’s because so often I...

A tale of two cities

Please don’t be offended by the photos below and, yes, they are of urinals in two different Qantas men’s rooms, one in Sydney and the other in Melbourne. As you can see, both are out of order but the way of notifying it is totally different. One has a...

A wrap for local advertising

I often sing the praises of using well written adverts in local newspapers if local area marketing is what you need to do. I’ve proven over and over how effective it is for promoting your business in your locality. Here’s some great reasons which I fully endorse that...

The data explosion

We sent men to the moon in 1969 on a tiny fraction of the data that’s in the average laptop; check out the mind-blowing growth and power of big data. And find out what a zettabyte is!...