On being creative

I never cease to be amazed at how some people are very creative, particularly those of artistic bent. When I was in New Zealand recently I spotted this sculpture of a horse. “So, what’s smart about the sculpture of a horse?” I hear you ask. Well for...

On colour and readability in graphic design

In talking to a couple of people about their small businesses the other day I realised that it would be helpful to them, and perhaps many other readers, if they had the opportunity to read this excellent advice on the subject from top copy writer Bob Bly. See his...

Great email marketing

I have previously commented on the sales emails from The Good Store and how great they are. They do an excellent job of getting you to start reading them, dragging you into the content, making you interested enough to go to their web site and ultimately buying! It’s...

Pithy way of putting it

I can’t recall who is credited for first saying it (Mark Twain comes to mind somehow) but I think it neatly sums up the options!. We offer three kinds of service! Good – Cheap – Fast You can pick any two! Good service cheap won’t be fast! Good service fast won’t be...

Size isn’t important

That’s a truism I’ve always believed and one of the places I am constantly reminded of its truth is in advertising. That’s because I frequently see advertisers spending a big gob of money on a full page advertisement with a photo and not much by way of “reasons why”...