Another commercial

Well no, not exactly today. Rather, I thought you’d enjoy this very funny snippet from the TV sitcom 2 Broke Girls entitled The 5 Worst Types Of Customer. I’m sure that you will have encountered similar customers in your business. Better to laugh about them now rather...

Before you spend a cracker on advertising

If you’ve got something good, you’ve got to tell people about it. No point being the best kept secret in town.Now, advertising shouldn’t be like winking at your lover in the dark. You may know what you’ve got in mind but if they don’t get the message, you don’t stand...

The very quiet dental clinic, part 5!

Well, if they’ve followed some of the suggestions we’ve outlined in the last few articles, our very quiet dental clinic should be less quiet, with prospects coming through the doors. By way of reminder, in previous articles we have covered engaging potential prospects...

The rise of spam calls

An article about the American experience but very relevant here too I reckon. Read about it here.If you use outbound telemarketing then there are ways to improve your response rate. In a nutshell, make other contact first so that you are greeted as a welcome guest...

Being missed!

I don’t normally post personal material but these two photos warmed my heart so much I just had to share them!We were having an overnight away and, upon seeing the cases being packed, Mishka just had to climb into the suitcase in a fruitless effort to come with us....