Petrol Pump Wisdom

Pardon me for sending something totally different to my normal missives but I really did think that this was worth sharing.This is a very cool story. I cannot acknowledge the original author because I am unaware of the source. I apologise for any breach of...

Another commercial

Now this commercial is somewhat raunchy but it appears to have been aired on Canadian free TV so maybe I’m unduly cautious. It kinda destroys my image of grandma and, personally, I don’t think it’s appropriate for Christmas wishes but you may love it. Watch it to make...

Stress saving tip

If you provide services for lots of clients, I bet you have a few that always give you grief and cause you stress. You know the type. They give you information days, weeks after you gave them a deadline for it. They have weeks to let you know they need some...

Volunteer your body… now!

I know you are very generous with your time and resources and donate to many different causes, but have you ever thought of donating your body (whilst you’re still alive and able to see what they do with it!)?I got started on the “lend my body to science”...