Talking About Numbers

Talking About Numbers

I was listening to the radio the other day and heard an advertiser claim “And remember we’ve been in business for over twenty nine years!” The point of making that statement was quite simple… it underlined the fact that they have been in business for a long time and...
Signs that Attract

Signs that Attract

I was driving down the main street of a town the other day when my eyes landed on some rather innocuous signage on the fascia of a podiatrist’s office. The podiatrist, let’s call her Dr Jane Smith, had signage that read: Dr Jane SmithPodiatrist Now I’m sure that Dr...
From the Vault: Butt Kicker: Learn

From the Vault: Butt Kicker: Learn

If you stop learning you stop growing. Dedicate some time to learning and self-improvement today. Be prepared to invest some of your own resources to do so, unlike most people who only learn if the boss pays for it (do what others don’t do!). Stop making those...
Stop them in their tracks!

Stop them in their tracks!

Imagine that you’re standing at a cocktail party and someone says, ‘What do you do?’ You say ‘I’m a candlestick maker’, and their eyes glaze over. That’s because they’ve got preconceived ideas about what a candlestick maker does. What you need to do is present them...