Do we need this?

Do we need this?

I continue to subscribe to The Age newspaper, despite the scoffing of my mates, but particularly so that my wife and I can share the solving of the daily crossword* (not the Cryptic) in an endeavour to preserve our ageing memories. (* And also for the Good Food, Green...
Another commercial

Another commercial

Here’s a commercial that annoys me every time I see it and, unfortunately, that’s too often. It’s titled Mum’s Birthday. It’s from Cadbury and I hate everything about it… from the cute kid to the stereotypical shopkeeper and the idea that poor mum would...
Actions to “Wow!” 4

Actions to “Wow!” 4

It’s really fascinating when you start to look at the myriad of ways that companies attack the problem of making you feel special and say “Wow!” on your birthday. I think they try really hard to give you something that actually won’t cost them much, either by giving...