The beauty of a gatepost!

The beauty of a gatepost!

My mate Billy has a veritable green thumb when it comes to growing beautiful dahlias. Although they were somewhat late in flowering this year, he has been inundated by blooms of all varieties, shapes, sizes and colours. So much so, that he has more blooms than his...
Plan To Live Your Dream Now!

Plan To Live Your Dream Now!

Most of us think of our retirement years in terms of being able to ‘do our own thing’ – a time when we can live that dream that has fuelled our working lives. But how would you like to enjoy your retirement lifestyle right now? Most people don’t go to work because...
From the Vault: Something different

From the Vault: Something different

How many times can you walk down the same street and fall into the same hole before you realise you can walk down a different street? The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results! Don’t let yourself become the...
Why ask?

Why ask?

I’ve just been in hospital for a minor procedure necessitating an overnight stay. Apart from always asking for my full name, the plethora of forms I completed always demanded that I give my preferred name as well. Now this is a boon for me because I am known by my...
Another Commercial

Another Commercial

This must be one of the best… makes the point well don’t you agree? Cheese makes you strong! Download Winston’s fantastic “How to write a great advertisement” for just $40 If you don’t know how to sell the benefits your advertisements just won’t work! Get these...