Fake Books

Fake Books

As a lover of books and a regular reader, I was amazed by an article in The Spectator of 10 June 23 written by Emily Rhodes under the subhead of the rise of fake libraries. There is a growing fashion for fake books. Not fake as in written by a series of AI prompts,...
Sums it up!

Sums it up!

I don’t know what publication first featured this extremely good summary of today’s life so I can’t recognise them and plead lack of knowledge of copyright but I do seek permission to use it. I don’t think any words are necessary because this cartoon aptly sums up how...
Make it look great!

Make it look great!

One of the first rules of promoting food is to make the picture of it look even better on the packet, in the adverts or on the flyers than it does in reality. Even more so when you have a picture of it in store or on the window of your premises. In fact, most food...