Another commercial

Another commercial

Well, of course it wouldn’t be Australia Day (dunno how many more we’ll get if the rot continues) without an Australia Day lamb advert, so here’s the current effort.     And here’s a TVC starring a cute little girl talking about new year resolutions that...
Getting Good

Getting Good

I’ve often said to people who are aiming to do something well, “Find someone who can do it and copy them, aiming to achieve their level and maybe get even better than them in so doing”. I used that approach when I wanted to run a sub-three hour marathon. I found a...
Another first world problem solved!

Another first world problem solved!

Over the summer break I found that ice cubes were creating a huge problem for my guests and me. It was terribly inconvenient having to get up and down from our pool lounges to replace the very fast melting ice cubes in our drinks! It seemed that as soon as we lay down...


My mate, Derek Arden, is a negotiation consultant, author, speaker and adviser. He helps clients get Win Win outcomes, without the stress, anxiety and expense of taking aggressive potential Lose / Lose actions. Here’s a recent negotiating tip from Derek: As long as...