Ray would turn in his grave!

Ray would turn in his grave!

Maybe it’s me imagining it or it’s due to my advancing age and declining memory or it’s because of staff shortages but something has changed at McDonald’s. I reckon that they have really gone downhill since the amazing Ray Kroc systematised this worldwide...
Another commercial

Another commercial

As is my custom each year about this time I look at the commercials produced for British retailers because, in my opinion, the English are way ahead of the advertising competition at blending the of Christmas spirit and crass commercialism. Most critics agreed that...
Reasons Why

Reasons Why

On countless occasions I’ve beaten my gums claiming you’ll never go broke under estimating the intelligence of your market. People need “reasons why” and I reckon these two adverts demonstrate that principle exactly. People need information, assistance, suggestions...
Coming Up With Clever Ideas 3!

Coming Up With Clever Ideas 3!

So in pursuit of ways to open up your creativity by getting your morning thinking out of the rut, here’s my third suggestion. Open up your wardrobe and throw out those clothes you don’t wear. Isn’t it true you have a couple of metres of clothing hanging there but...