Vale Barry Humphries

Vale Barry Humphries

I must have been 14 or 15 when I first saw Barry Humphries portray Mrs Edna Everage of 19 (I think) Humoresque St, Moonee Ponds. It was just prior to the 1956 Melbourne Olympic Games and she was offering accommodation for overseas athletes or visitors. Whilst much of...
The beauty of a gatepost!

The beauty of a gatepost!

My mate Billy has a veritable green thumb when it comes to growing beautiful dahlias. Although they were somewhat late in flowering this year, he has been inundated by blooms of all varieties, shapes, sizes and colours. So much so, that he has more blooms than his...
Do we need this?

Do we need this?

I continue to subscribe to The Age newspaper, despite the scoffing of my mates, but particularly so that my wife and I can share the solving of the daily crossword* (not the Cryptic) in an endeavour to preserve our ageing memories. (* And also for the Good Food, Green...
The best word ever!

The best word ever!

I was standing in line in a coffee shop waiting my turn to order my skinny flat white (trying to lose weight!) when two young, brawny, tattooed guys got in line behind me. I turned to them, stepped aside and said, “Go ahead!” “Don’t worry,” they responded. “Yes,” I...
All in an Instant!

All in an Instant!

It was during the Easter break and my wife and I were driving back home enjoying the scenery and serenity of the countryside after a few days in the country. The day was perfect and conditions excellent although oncoming traffic was far heavier that traffic going our...
If it ain’t broke…

If it ain’t broke…

Last weekend I had a great time with my bike riding mates riding part of the Great Victorian Rail Trail which follows the route of a former railway line from Tallarook to Mansfield and Alexandra about 100 kilometres north-east of Melbourne. Now, we didn’t ride the...