Drive through grandpa!

Hey, doesn’t that sound good? You don’t think so? Okay, it’s probably because you don’t understand why. So, let me explain. My daughter and her family are up in Cairns which is a long way from where my wife and I live. So, we only get rare opportunities to head north...

It’s Australia Day!

And I am reminded that when I was a kid going to a state primary school back in the early fifties, the whole school used to assemble in the quadrangle on a Monday morning. We’d stand to attention, the headmaster would lead us in singing the national anthem (God Save...

Dealing with spam

You know those emails we all get… telling us that there’s money for us in Nigeria or some other highly unlikely tale? Well, here’s what one guy did about it and, because I got the info from Gary North’s newsletter which I mention occasionally, I’ll do him the courtesy...

When it’s close to you

Every day we hear on the radio or see on television car accidents that claimed the lives of people we don’t know. We might tut tut and worry about the road toll but that’s about all we do. It doesn’t impact on us coz we aren’t close to the...

Tears in my eyes. Twice!

Generally our local RSL organises an Anzac March on the Sunday before the actual day so that their members can participate locally and then go off for the big Anzac day march in Melbourne. Yesterday, as I always do, I slipped up to stand in the crowd to applaud those...

It doesn’t come better than this!

If you’re a Victorian you are probably aware that around Cup Day every year the pursuit of the Great Home Grown Tomato Championship takes place. Now, there is no grand champion, there are many winners although not everyone who enters is a winner (some fall by the...