Surprise them!

Remember that when a customer does business with you it may be routine for you because you have probably done similar transactions hundreds of times for many customers, but it may be a rare experience for the customer. As a case in point, consider a customer...

A lesson from a TVC

You probably have seen the humorous Allianz insurance company TV commercials (and their advertising agency must love them coz they’d cost megabucks to make) where something goes wrong setting off a chain of events culminating in a call to the company. Whilst they...

A nice story

And I use the word ‘nice’ in its purest form meaning pleasing or agreeable because it’s great to see a business taking time out from its profit making activities to recognise someone who has made a difference. In this case it’s a business named “The Good Store” whose...

Only the Japanese…

Could show this level of care and concern. Business Insider reports that Japan is keeping an entire train station open for just one passenger. That’s real customer service! See the story here. Pick Winno’s Brain If you’ve got a knotty problem or you’d like Winston to...

Surprise them!

If you know me and my commitment to great eating habits you’d be amazed to learn that I have been known to enter the doors of that fast food establishment known as Maccas! So let me confess… I have! But not to furtively sin on those burgers. Oh no, only to...

What can you learn from poor service?

I hate wrting about poor service so maybe we can put a a more positive perspective on this story from my Miracle Worker, Felicity! “There was a cafe at the venue we were at today, and it was hopeless. Not a single menu list anywhere, so no idea what was...