How to say goodbye!

There comes a time in your business life when you either outgrow some clients or you just can’t stand the thought of dealing with them anymore and you want to say “goodbye”! I know that many people have wrestled with how to do this and on occasions I’ve had to help...

Avoiding the dangers of tearoom talk

Retail expert and regular contributor to our Business Marketing program, Jurek Leon, has vast experience in the area of customer service. Jurek adheres to the slogan that ‘loose lips sink ships’ and recently discussed the dangers of what he calls ‘tearoom talk’....

Treat you team like dogs

The more things change, the more they stay the same! Here we are just about 10 years on and we have another puppy going to puppy school so that we can be reminded of what we must do to ensure that our puppy grows into a good obedient dog. Ten years ago it was Millie,...