Speaking With Authority

Speaking With Authority

When giving a presentation many people just stand up and deliver it as fast as possible, at constant pace and volume. Others, who are often armed with prepared notes and read from them, deliver in a flat monotonous tone, barely pausing to emphasise anything they have...

The Secrets of Non-Boring Presentations

I always jot down the mistakes I see people making when they are presenting to just a few people or hundreds or somewhere in between.I’ve never listed them out, so here they are now. They may help you the next time you’ve got to stand up and talk. If you've been told...

Arrive on time or not at all

The other day I had booked in to attend a seminar and, as is my normal approach, I arrived well before the scheduled starting time.When the presenter suggested we start on time, I loudly applauded because giving late comers time to be late is insulting to those that...

Speak in chunks

When asked for my mobile number I like to spell it out in three separate “chunks” as in “0415”, pause, “358”, pause, “324”. And why do I say it that way? Well, it’s because long ago I learnt that it’s easy to think and speak in chunks (bite size pieces) you can easily...

Cut the jargon!

I dunno how many times I have reminded you that you’ll never go broke underestimating the intelligence of your target market/ audience/ the general public. However, after attending a conference the other day, I must remind you again.It was a day for “jargon” which the...