Now here’s a great billboard

External signage should always be eye catching otherwise what’s the point? When the sign is a billboard designed to make an impact on passers by, the message should be brief, memorable and to the point.  The font should be big enough to be read in the time the...

Wow! What a breakfast!

Well, I promised those who got out of bed nice and early this morning to hear Jurek Leon, the customer service wizard, something to chew on and something to chew over. And that’s what they got. Excellent food for the frame at Giorgio’s (sometime I’ll...

Lessons on the run, 1: Road markers

I think I may have already subtly revealed (or was I more obvious than that?) that I’m back into doing a bit of running.  Not that I’m trying to get back to my marathon running days but rather just to increase fitness and reduce fatness. It’s meant that I have to get...

Just appreciate this! A moon rise.

This beautiful event was filmed on January 28, 2013 in Wellington, N.Z. and I have chosen to send it on a non-work day hoping you’ll stop, watch it and reflect on the wonders of our universe. The photographer captured what is one of the most remarkable things I...