Make It Easy – Part 2

Make It Easy – Part 2

In a recent article I complained about difficult-to-read name badges. Now, I’ve discovered a couple more instances of people not thinking of an end user who’s vision is not what it used to be or where the circumstances may create a problem. In the first example, the...
What a waste!

What a waste!

I know that I have rabbited on about the wasteful use of advertising space and I’m going to do so again regularly for a while! And it’s simply because here, in desperate-to-recover-Victoria, both government and business are throwing money at ill-thought out schemes to...
Name badges

Name badges

I know that most caring people and businesses have name badges to make themselves and team members easily recognisable and establish rapport. Now, however, as I am slowly sliding into senility, I’m finding that name badges can be the curse of my life. Why? It’s...
Always follow up

Always follow up

My philosophy is quite simple… You follow prospects up until they buy or die! Yeah, but it’s surprising how few people do follow-up an inquiry call… the typical statistics are revealing. For example, the people at* say… “Numerous studies have...