Set in stone!

Set in stone!

Sometimes you just happen on a great idea, want to applaud it and tell your friends. That’s how I felt when I saw that the people at Talking Stones (James & Samantha Rae, Founders of Talking Stones) were following me on Twitter and I investigated to see what...
A lesson from Pollyanna

A lesson from Pollyanna

Recently one of my much loved dogs, little Pollyanna, was diagnosed with diabetes and subsequently, as a result, she is going blind. But, has it worried her? No, not one bit. You see dogs are great at living in the moment. They aren’t lamenting their loss and...
Another Commercial

Another Commercial

Wow! You just have to hand it to Emirates Airlines for this gob smacking commercial when they put a team member on top of the highest tower in their kingdom. It’s a real show stopper but do you reckon it’ll generate any extra passengers when the world starts flying...
That Moment of Truth

That Moment of Truth

Years ago, when he was President of Scandinavian Airlines, Jan Carlson wrote a best-selling book called Moments of Truth. The premise was simple: a brief moment of contact between a customer and an employee gives an instant, powerful impression of how the business is...
Leaving it on the counter

Leaving it on the counter

Right now we are in lockdown for the sixth time. I’m not asking for sympathy because, if you live almost anywhere in Australia, you’re probably in lockdown too. I guess what you can do during lockdown varies from state-to-state, but here in Victoria we can only go out...