Appreciating People at Christmas

What’s the right thing to do around this time of the year? I know it’s a rather vexed question and is one of those conundrums that have many business people scratching their heads. Frankly, I’m all for showing appreciation of customers, clients or patients and don’t...

A rare opportunity!

If you’re an architect or are involved in an allied trade then you have a rare opportunity to attend a couple of seminars that will help you both build your business and bring projects in on time and on budget. Together with Geoffrey Moyle I’m presenting a...

If you’re under 30 read on!

I’ve talked previously about what a great program the Rotary Youth Leadership Award (RYLA) is and how much value many young people have gained from it. In the words of Rotary “It’s a fun-filled, energetic, 7-day residential conference for young people with leadership...