Getting referrals happening!

I am indebted to my Miracle Worker, Felicity, for this example of a simple, attractive way of seeking referrals. More importantly, unlike so many other attempts to get referrals it offers a worthwhile reward for referring. It’s a way of doing it that could be copied...

Turning Phone Enquiries into Money!

Sometime ago I was going to meet up with some Vets so I thought I’d make a phone call to each of their clinics to find out how well an enquiry was handled. Much to my amazement, it appeared their team members had been instructed to turn away new clients and to limit...

Free money

Yep, that’s what I got recently when I shopped at a local pharmacy. I went in to buy over-the-counter tablets for my seizing bones and, without asking me for any proof that I was entitled to it, the shop assistant gave me a 10% discount!Now, maybe she took one look at...

The digital generation

People are so preoccupied with their phones and tablets that perhaps it’s the end of society as we know it. Here’s the way it’s going! Sad, but maybe true. Turn your business into a money maker! Discover the three black boxes to get your business rally firing! Get...

One works, two don’t

Here’s the home page of a great piece of PR. After all, mentioning the Pope, a million dollars and veganism all in one headline is bound to get most people’s attention and attract the media from around the world. Some people would have gotten some insights on the...