Never despair!

You know, if I’d have come into this world as a brussels sprout, even though I’m an incurable optimist, I might have found it hard to keep smiling. I believe there is no more hated vegetable than the poor old brussels sprout. When I was a kid, my mum, bless her, used...

Another commercial

It’s not often you see a hotel group, reputed to run some of the best hotels in the world, making a commercial promoting themselves because, after all, surely their target market, the privileged and wealthy people of the world, know all about them. And how would you...

From the Vault: Sell the sizzle, Part 1!

So we were away in the country accompanied by Millie and Sharnie who were anxious to enjoy their bush holiday chasing rabbits, fearing kangaroos, swimming in the creek and all sorts of other joyous doggie activities. Then I noticed that, although she was endeavouring...

Great source of books

  Okay, okay, I know! You’re not reading as many physical books as you used to because you’re reading the digital versions or just getting the stuff you want from the tons of free or low cost information available on line. But, c’mon. Admit it! There’s nothing...