A puzzlement

A puzzlement

I was driving along the freeway paying careful attention to my driving and the surroundings when I spotted this supersize billboard which, as you can see, shows a number of wind turbines across what I assume is the Australian counryside, the cryptic phrase “is why”,...
Another Commercial

Another Commercial

Doesn’t matter that this is in Russian as this beautifully made commercial looks good and obviously the reason the cars (and the humans?) do things so well is extrim. What more can I say? Download Winston’s fantastic “How to write a great advertisement” for just $40...
Some hints on videos

Some hints on videos

Many small business owners think that having a video made for their business can be very expensive yet nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, you can get an Oscar winning video made for your business but you can also get a great video that’ll do the job just as...
Confident team members

Confident team members

It’s always great to see a business where team members are making a positive contribution to the business because they’ve been given responsibility and authority. I always remember a survey that was done years ago asking team members what they wanted to enjoy their...
Get the message across!

Get the message across!

Every time I drive along a freeway, I keep my eyes skinned, (whilst not losing driver concentration of course), to see who has been wasting money on billboard advertising. By wasting money I mean billboards that have too much detail to take in as you whizz past or are...