Opening a Conversation

Opening a Conversation

It seems that one of the greatest challenges people face in social situations is startling a conversation with someone they don’t know. That’s why I thought you’d like this piece of advice from my good mate, and negotiation expert, Derek Arden (who obviously had a...
Little steps toward big goals

Little steps toward big goals

As you may have found out… the rumours are indeed true! I am slowly sinking into senility. And, no matter how hard I try, the ravages of age are slowly enveloping me. And, in my case, I have sorely discovered that my sense of balance is either on its way out or gone...
The Five P’s

The Five P’s

I’m catching up on some Australian history which I should’ve done years ago. And what is that? Well it is the story of John Monash, the great Australian general. So I’m reading an excellent book “Monash & Chauvel” by Roland Perry and it’s giving me...
Up your attitude!

Up your attitude!

I don’t know how the weather has been around your way but here, in my little corner of the world, it’s been close to damn near freezing (or it’s felt that way!). And it seems that, for many people at least, as the temperature goes down so does their attitude plummet...